学校推荐: 康奈尔大学
专业推荐: Master of Science (MS) Applie Economics an management__应用经济学与管理硕士
课程设置: MS Degree Requirements 完成2个学期的全日制课程选择,完成最后的答辩或者考试。
每个学生必须要选择下设的一个专业方向 concentration ,可供选择方向具体如下:
下面还开设 Tracks 有三个。 其中有一个行为金融学,需要选六门课
Consumers often face the choice between inulgent an responsible consumption—virtue an vice. Using subtle cues an common behavioral heuristics can help firms guie consumer choice in the retail marketplace. Such tools can be use to reinforce more healthful or more responsible choices without making the consumer feel goae, juge, or restricte, all while preserving profits.
· AEM 6440 – Consumer Behavior (fall, 3 creits) 消费者行为
· One of the following: 下面选一个
o AEM 4160 – Strategic Pricing (spring, 3 creits) 战略定价
o AEM 4550 – Economics of Avertising (spring, 3 creits) 广告经济
o AEM 6480 – Foo an Consumer Package Goos Inustry Dynamics (spring, 3 creits) 食品与消费者食品包装工业
As we learn more about the long-term environmental impacts of moern lifestyles, consumers an firms fin themselves facing a trae-off between current payoffs an a more sustainable future. Using behavioral tools, firms can aress the increasingly restrictive regulatory environment while creating ae value for their consumers.
· AEM 6450 – Sustainability Marketing (spring, 3 creits)
· One of the following:
o AEM 4580 – The Economics an Psychology of Sustainable Business (spring, 3 creits)
o AEM 6440 – Consumer Behavior (fall, 3 creits)
Financial markets are susceptible to sharp rises an falls often base on irrational responses to changes in market information. Such traing can often eviscerate returns of not only panicky iniviuals, but also the well-researche institutional investment firms. Using behavioral economic concepts can help minimize the effects of such irrational traing an fluctuations an help preserve value an return on investment.
· AEM 4230 – Contemporary Topics in Applie Finance (fall, 3 creits) 应用金融
· AEM 4570 – Avance Corporate Finance* (fall, 3 creits) 高级企业金融
· AEM 4290 – International Financial Management (fall, 3 creits) 国际金融管理
· AEM 4620 – Avance Financial Moeling an Analysis (fall, 2 creits) 高级金融建模分析
· AEM 4670 – Investments in the Global Economy (fall, 3 creits) 全球经济投资
Because of the range of tracks, it is believe that stuents entering the program will come from a wie range of backgrouns: business, environmental stuies, psychology, economics, public health, an other social stuies.
客服专线: 400-010-8000
服务专线: 400-010-8000
北京分公司:北京市朝阳区 建国门外大街永安东里甲3号院B座
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