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2019-06-21 09:13:20



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哈佛大学第368届毕业典礼于5月30日星期四举行,主题是,移民创造了梦想,会让世界更美丽! 德国总理 Angela Merkel 担任演讲嘉宾, 哈佛向默克尔授予了荣誉法学博士学位。

默克尔曾经是量子化学家,在苏联控制的东德生活了35年。 1989年柏林墙倒塌,德国的统一激励了默克尔离开科学领域参与政治。




Presient Larry Bacow, fellows of the Cooperation, members of the Boar of Overseers, members of the Alumni Boar, members of the faculty, prou parents an grauates. Toay is the ay of joy, its your ay, many congratulations.

I am elighte to be here toay an woul like to tell you about some of my own experiences. This ceremony marks the en of the intensive an probably also harship in your lives. Now the oor towars your life is opening. That's exciting an inspiring. The Germany writer, Hermann Hesse has some wonerful wors for such situation in life. I' like to quote him an then continue in my native language.

Hermann has written:

In all beginning ells a magic force

For guaring us an helping us to live.

These wors by Hermann have inspire me when I complete my physics egree at the age of 24. That was back in 1979. The worl was ivie into East an West. An it was in the grips of the Col War.

I grew up in east Germany an the GDR, the part of my country that was not free an uner ictatorship. People were oppresse an uner surveillance. Political issients were persecute.

The east Germany government was afrai of people woul flee to freeom. An that's why it built the Berlin Wall. A wall mae of concrete an steel. Anyone caught trying to overcome it was arreste or shot ea. This wall which cut Berlin in half, ivie people an ivie families. My family was also ivie.

My first job after college was as a physicist at the Acaemy of Sciences in east Berlin. I live near the Berlin Wall. I walke towars it everyay on my way home to my institute. Behin it, lai west Berlin. Freeom.

An everyay, when I was very close to the wall, I ha to turn away at the last minute in orer to hea towars my apartment. Everyay I ha to turn away from freeom at the last minute. I on’t know how often I thought I couln’t take it anymore, it was so frustrating. I was not a issient. I in't run up an ban against the wall. Nor, however, i I ever enie its existence for? I in't want to lie to myself.

The Berlin wall limite my opportunities, it quite literally stoo in my way. However, there was one thing which this wall couln't o uring all of those years. It couln't impose limits on my inner thoughts. My personality, my imaginations, my reams an esires, prohibitions an coercions couln't limit any of that.

Then came 1989, a common esire for freeom unleashe increible forces throughout Europe. In Portlan, in Hungry, at Checeslovacoter, as well as in east Germany, hunres of thousans of people are take to the street. The People eomonstrate an brought own the Wall. Something which many people incluing myself woul not have belive possible become reality. Well there was once only a oor suenly opene. For me too, the moment ha came, to walk through that oor.

I no long ha to turn away from freeom at the last minute, I was able to cross this borer an venture out into the great wie open.

During these months 30 years ago, I experience firsthan that nothing has to stay the way it is. This experience, ear grauates, is the first thought I want to share with you toay for your future.

Anything that seems to be set in stone or inalterable can inee change. It matters both large an small, it hols through that every change begins in the min.

My parents generation iscovers this in the most painful way. My father an mother were born in 1926 an 1928. When they were as ol as most of you here toay, the betrayal of all civilize values that was shown up an Worl War II ha just ene.

My country Germany ha brought unimaginable suffering on Europe an the worl. The victors an efeate coul easily have remaine irreconcilable for many years. But instea, Europe overcame centuries over conflicts. A peaceful orer base on common values rather than suppose national strength emerge.

Despite all the iscussions an contemporary setbacks, I firmly believe that we Europeans have unite for the better. An the relationship between Germans an Americans too emonstrates former wartime enemies can become friens.

It w as George C. Marshall, wh o gave a crucial contribution to this for the plan he announce at the commencement ceremony in 1947, in this very place.

The transatlantic partnership base on values such as emocracy an human rights, has given us an era of peace an prosperity that has benefite all sies which was laste for more than 70 years now. An toay, it woul not be long now before the politicians of my generation are no longer the subject of the exercising leaership program, an at most we woul be one within leaership in history.

Harvar class of 2019, your generation woul be face with the challenges of the 21 century in the coming ecaes. You are among those woul lea us into the future.

Protectionism an trae conflicts jeoparize free international trae an therefore lost the very founation of our prosperity. The igital transformation affacts all facets of our lives. Wars an terrorism lea to isplacement an force migration. Climate change poses a threat to our planet’s natural resources. It an the resulting crisis are cause by humans.

Therefore, we can an must o everything humanly possible to master this challenge to humankin. It is still possible, however each an everyone of us must play a part. An I sai this with measure also with criticism get better.

I will therefore to o everything in my power to ensure my country Germany will achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Changes for the better are possible if we tackle them together. If we want to go it alone, we coul not achieve much.

The secon thought I want to share with you is therefore, more than ever, our way of thinking an actions have to be multilateral rather than unilateral, global rather than national, outwar looking rather than isolationist. In short, we have to work together rather than alone.

You ear grauates woul have quite ifferent opportunities to o this in future than my generation i. After all, your smart phone probably has consierably more processing power than the copy of the IBM main frame computer manufacture in the Soviet Union, which I was allowe to use for my issertation in east Germany in 1986.

Toay we use artificial intelligence, for example, to search the millions of images for symptoms of iseases in orer among other things to better iagnose cancer.

In future, a perceptive robot coul help octors an nurses to focus on the iniviual nees of patients. We cannot preict toay which applications woul be possible. However, the opportunities it brings are truly breathtaking.

Class of 2019, how we use these opportunities woul be largely up to you as a grauate. You are the ones who will be involve in eciing how our approach to how we work, communicate, get about inee our entire way of life we evelop.

As Feeral Chancellor, I often have to ask myself, am I oing the right thing? Am I oing something because it is right, or simply because it’s possible? That is just something you too nee to ask yourself.

That's the thir thought I wish to share with you toay. Are we laying own the rules for technology, or is technology ictating how we act? Do we prioritize people as iniviuals with human ignity with all the manifests or o we see them as many consumes, ata sources, objects of surveillance. These are ifficult questions.

I have learne that we can fin goo answers even to ifficult questions if we always try to view the worl through the eyes of others. If we respect other people's history, traitions, religions an ientity. If we hol fast to our inalienable values an act in accorance with them. An if we on't always act on our first impulses even with pressure to make a slap ecision. But instea, take a moment to stop, be still, think, pause. Grante that certainly takes courage.

Above all, it calls for truthfulness in our attitues towars others. An perhaps most importantly, it calls for us to be honest with ourselves.

What better place to begin to o so than here, in this place where so many young people from all over the worl come to learn, research, an iscuss the issues of our time uner the maxim of truth.

That requires us not to escribe lies as truth an truth as lies. It requires us not to accept shortcomings as our normality. Yet, what ear grauates coul stop you? What coul stop us from oing that?

Once again, the answer is walls. Walls in people's min, walls of ignorance an narrow-mineness.

They exist between family members, as well as between groups within this society; between people of ifferent skin colors, nations an religions. Walls that keep preventing us from envisioning of the worl in which together we want you to live. Whether we manage to o that is up to us.

That's what my fourth thought. For my ear grauates to consier is this, nothing can be taken for grante.

Our iniviual liberty is not given, emocracy is not something we can take for grante. Neither is peace, an neither is persperity. But if we break own the walls that hammer us in, if we step out into the open an have the courage to embrance new beginning, everything is possible.

Walls can collapse, ictatorship can isappear. We can hol global warming, we can eraicate starvation, we can eliminate iseases we can give people especially girls access to eucation, we can fight the course of isplacement an force of migration. We can o all of that.

So let's no stop by asking what isn't possible or focusing on what has always been that way. Let's start by asking what is possible an looking for things that have never been one as before.

This is exactly what I sai to the Boonas talk, the German Parliment in 2005, in my first policy statement as newly electe Chancellor of the Feeral Republic of Germany an the first woman to hol this office.

An I want to use precisely these wors to share with you my fifth thought.

Let just suprise us by showing what is possible, let suprise us by showing what we are capable of.

In my own life, it was the fall of the Berlin Wall that allowe me almost 30 years ago to step out into the open. A that point, I left my work as the scientist behin me an enter politics. That was exciting an magic time. Just as your life woul be exciting an magic. But also experience moments of oubt an worry. For that time we all knew what lay behin but not what may lay ahea. Perhaps that reflects a little how you too are feeling toay, omits all the joy at this occassion.

The sixth thought I also want to share with you is this, the moment when you step out into the open is also a moment a risk taking.

Letting go of the ol is part of the new begining. There is no beginning without en, no ay without night, no life without eath.

Our whole life encounters all the iferences. The space between beginning an ening. It is what lays in between that we call life an experiences.

I believe that time an time again, we nee to be prepare to keep bringing in things to an en, in orer to feel the magic of new beginning, an to make the most of our opportunities.

That's what I learne as a stuent, as a scientist, an it is what my experiences now in politics. An who knows what life will bring after my time as a politician. That too is completely open. Only one thing is clear, it woul again be something ifferent an something new.

That why I want to leave this wish with you, tear own walls of ignorance an narrow-mineness, for nothing has to stay as it is.

Take joint action in the interest of the multilateral, global worl.

Keep asking yourselves: Am I oing something because it is right, or simply because it’s possible?

Don't forget, that freeom is never something that can be taken for grante.

Surprise yourself with what is possible.

Remember that openness always involves risks.

Letting go of the ol is part of the new begining.

An above all, nothing can be taken for grante. Everything is possible. 


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