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2022-06-06 15:25:15



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为了让大家对文书创作有更清晰的认知,埃默里大学的招生官为新一届申请者分享往年申请者的优秀Personal Statment,用以说明一份好的PS可以涉及各种主题,但最终要展示学生的性格、好奇心和声音。这几篇PS被选中的原因各不相同,因此都附上了招生官的点评。


Essay题目:Describe a topic, iea, or concept you fin so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why oes it captivate you? What or who o you turn to when you want to learn more?

I tap my re pen inattentively against the raft sitting before me. After some silent musing, I finally rag a line of ink through a phrase an rewor it in small, loopy letters above. As a final thought, I circle the space between two wors. My writer forgot the Oxfor comma. Again.

The Oxfor comma is the comma use after the penultimate item in a list. I learne about this majestic piece of punctuation at an early age an wonere how anyone coul avocate against it. How coul anything that as so much clarity, while requiring so little effort, be controversial? When I joine my school’s newspaper in sophomore year an learne that AP style oes not use the comma, I was shocke. Therefore, when I became Managing Eitor my senior year, my first initiative was reinstating it.

Others might fin this to be a trivial concern, but you know what they say about the evil: he lives in the etails. It is part of my personal philosophy that etails are the most essential part of any plan or project; they are what separates the ba from the goo, an the goo from the great. Details are vital to my work as a copy eitor. Occasionally, writers groan when they hear that I will be the one eiting their story, but that’s how you know you’re oing a goo job.

An effective copy eitor will o more than correct punctuation: they’ll etect structural problems an preict questions that reaers will ask so the writer can answer them. Writers may not love having to make so many changes, but they finish the news cycle with a prouct they are prou of.

My attention to etails, like that elusive comma, oes more than make me a goo worker: it makes me a goo communicator. I listen carefully to people, to etails, an I think they matter. I like to share my own opinions through writing an photography, but more than that, I like to share the stories of others. This past summer, I ha the opportunity to meet a number of community workers an write about them for the regional newspaper. I got to meet an tell the stories of a couple who owne one of the last free community pools an taught kis to swim without taking out a salary, an a woman in her twenty-secon year of running a volunteer event which grants unerprivilege chilren access to new clothes an school supplies. Being able to give these local heroes the spotlight they eserve was more rewaring than I coul have ever expecte.

What makes me unique is that I on’t just notice etails, I care about them. I think clarity of communication is the most vital an most neglecte aspect of a functional society. That is why I believe journalism an communication are important. You can’t move someone who is stuck in their ways by spouting facts an figures at them. You convince people by telling stories, stories that appeal to our share humanity.

Reporting is community builing, an we efinitely nee more of that in this ay an age. By listening to etails an sharing observations, I can sometimes help two people who were not able to fin common groun see past their ifferences. I believe this is an important part of being on the newspaper staff an even of being a goo frien. An that is why I care about communication, an by extension, the Oxfor comma






Essay题目:Some stuents have a backgroun, ientity, interest, or talent so meaningful they believe their application woul be incomplete without it. If this souns like you, please share your story.

For the first three years of my life, my name was not Omar. In secret it was, but in secret was no way to live. To the worl, I was eciely to be a stranger to my own name. In public my family calle me by a name eerily similar to mine: “Ammar.” I crie out an correcte them each time, only to be slappe on the mouth an sternly orere to bite my tongue. Eyes wickely stare on from behin the shaows, an slowly our public outings became less an less frequent, until my every request to play outsie was ecisively enie. I whine an begge, but the ecision was as unyieling as their towering stance above me.

Only years later woul I come to unerstan that they were merely protecting me from the encompassing shaows stalking behin. Only then woul I come to unerstan the extent of the bitter religious clash between Islam’s two branches, Sunni an Shia.

Following the fall of Iraq in 2003, tensions turne ealy an rules cease. Several names of religious significance effectively became eath sentences. My name was one of those eath sentences. I was marke by a conflict I was too young to comprehen.

Uncertainty turne to fear when the looming threat of violence came in the form of a eath threat to my father. Soon, family an community members became targets of an inconceivable evil; a frien of the family was murere for aiing isplace Sunni Iraqis; a bombing rocke my brother’s school an shattere his innocence into a million shars. We were targets, an my ientity was a possible catalyst provoking evil into harming those protecting me from wicke eyes.

My family ecie that remaining in Iraq was no longer an option. So, one ay in 2006, uner the cover of night, we took what little possessions we coul carry into our cars an fle across the borer. When complete isorer an conflict le to intensifie blooshe, our hopes of one ay returning to our homelan were ashe an left broken.

Joran became our new refuge; my name was returne to me, yet in the chaos an uncertainty, I ha lost my country an people. I trae my home for a refuge. My accent, alien to the other chilren, rew in laughter. My nationality, ifferent an frowne upon, resulte in new pairs of conescening eyes which gaze beyon my humanity towars my parents’ lives. Their grueling toil generate minimal income as perceptions of refugees engenere no empathy among the hiring class. I ha within my grasp my own name, my ientity, yet I felt more like a stranger than when I onne another name.

Ammar was human, I was not. Ammar ha a home, I lost mine. Here, I ha none but my family an they ha none but me.

Years of acting out at home an school passe. Yet in 2013, a phone call from our cousins in America funamentally change my life: “Your UN file got accepte!” cheery faces announce, “We will be seeing you in a week.” The sheer excitement I felt at that moment was only contraste with the saness that overcame me two ays before eparture: saness of a life unfinishe. I ha to move. Again.

Relocation ha once isturbe my pursuit for ientity. Now it oes nothing short of offer me an opportunity to explore a future in which I set what efines my character.

We lane. On our way from the airport, I reste my hea onto the winow of the van an reame of what I hope to accomplish. Despite the perversions suffere in Iraq an Joran, I aapte. I can o it again. Yes, I lost my country an ientity, but America gave me back both. I am about to become a US citizen: like Ammar, I now have a home – a home that is foune on ientity an community.




Essay题目:Some stuents have a backgroun, ientity, interest, or talent so meaningful they believe their application woul be incomplete without it. If this souns like you, please share your story.

I foun solace in poetry. Well, poetry recitation more precisely. Unconsciously, I have strale a ivie my whole life. My parents are immigrants, an when I starte school, my parents an my peers mae me aware of my ifferences. Unlike some of my peers, I ha to act a certain way or prove I was capable of accomplishment to achieve greater opportunities. Naturally, I acclimate to my environment: I mae friens with the white kis who harly got in trouble, even though I looke ifferent; I rea an spoke exclusively English, even though Spanish came more naturally; at playtime, I woul always make-believe that I marrie the princess, even though I woul have like just as much to have marrie a prince. I mastere the art of coe-switching. In my min, my vitality an my capacity to succee in Not-Quite-Rural-But-Still-Agricultural Georgia hinge upon my presentation of palatability to my peers. Even still, I constantly obsess over my peers’ perceptions of me. Do I come off as too arrogant? Too overly-intellectual? Too “colorful”? Too silly an grounless? I work tirelessly to ajust for these possibilities.

Early on, I gravitate towar poetry as a meium for expression. Each ay, I ajuste myself more an more to fit the expectations which infuse my small southern town. In public, though outwarly approachable, I critically analyze each move I mae an wor I spoke. In the literary arts, however, I coul see things the way others saw them an ientify myself with language that spoke irectly to my experiences. In school, I was careful to never appear too Hispanic for fear of succumbing to a stereotype of being uner-eucate or uninforme; at home, never too flamboyant, lest my parents become suspicious that something is awry; always, never too outsie-the-norm. In poetry though, I coul become Oscar Wile an Maya Angelou, taking on their plights an their triumphs. I coul escape into Nerua’s wistfulness or Hughes’ sentimentality. I coul, for a brief perio, remove myself from my own reality, rife with incessant existential questioning, an place myself in another, ivining from the iction an structure a sort of psychoanalysis to be applie to my conscientious unerstaning of human interaction.

When I was first assigne a poetry recitation in American Literature, I in’t realize it woul change my outlook forever. Eagerly, I seize the opportunity to express myself openly through poetry. Having shie away from theatre for fear of being categorize or negatively conceive, I reaily accepte the challenge to explore my emotional an performative range. The recitation competition calle Poetry Out Lou asks stuents to memorize poems an recite them in such a way which reveals their eeper meanings. I felt reay. I got to the regional-level competition uring sophomore year, an my elation an excitement about the mere existence of this program resulte in my pursuant interest. At last, I foun a meium, a wie-reaching community of support through which I might finally come to unerstan the purposes an effects of my struggles. Poetry allowe me to truly observe the wires in which we entangle ourselves an cemente the iea that I ha for so long ignore: everyone shares struggles, be they large or small, an life is a quest to overcome them.

With junior year came the guiance of increible an supportive mentors that le me to that stage in Washington, D.C. where I won thir place nationally in the Poetry Out Lou recitation competition. I ha never felt so accomplishe an bursting with resolution. To myself, even if to no one else, I proclaime resolutely that I am Latino, I am bisexual, I am unafrai, an I am intellectually charge with fining how best to help others who have face oubts similar to those I ha. Surroune by the iversity an fiery passion of fellow solace-seekers, I began to uno the ties in which I’ confine myself.





Essay题目:Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you’ve alreay written, one that respons to a ifferent prompt, or one of your own esign.

ohHhh I uh umMm in’t know

my aH parents n-never sai they never tOl me

how was I suppose to…he eventually roppe the

impersonation comes from the Latin wors into & persona literally meaning into person. this man swallowe & spit back her strangle voice as if it was stuttere, cracke, unworthy of its wors.

parents can be blame for things,

but teen girls can never accept responsibility he sai.

maybe he thought my voice soune like hers too & maybe that’s why I in’t ask a single question even when he i. he aske every ethnic person there what country they were from & he sai something like

riving is as angerous as living in a war zone,

no offense to the people from Syria in the back of the room

I on’t know exactly, because I was whispering to

Kayleigh in the beginning was quiet. I whispere to her this is terrible because I coul hear her small puffs of isbelief & I realize she was the only person in the room I truste, not even myself, because I was smiling & laughing even when he mae her come up as a voluntol & he sai to her that he always picke on the heaviest girl in the class for this exercise, & when she spoke her voice shook & cracke & i you know that it was me? That I was the voluntol? that I was so ashame of circumstance I pretene it was Kayleigh? it ie before it really came out, my voice, which has one impossible things, stoo tall in courtrooms, refuse to melt by the firesie as my family ebate politics, raise itself from the grave when it neee to at cheap shots, at poetry slams, at two faces, my voice, this increible thing, was reuce to speaking in

whispers seeme to catch his eye so we stoppe eventually. something about neeing that certificate, something about the power he ha, something about how the guy who couln’t speak English was calm in the corner… then Kayleigh whispere Trump 2020; I stoo up. I calmly tol this instructor off, I tol him that he was ignorant, that he was wrong, that a sixteen-year-ol teen girl knew more than he i. I left the class because I was strong enough to o it. I i, I really

i you know that I staye until the en without so much as a wor of justice? i you know it woul be so easy to lie on this page? I crumple my name tag when leaving & he sai something like thanks or it was a pleasure but I ran quickly before his wors coul lick my skin again. I in’t play music from empowering female artists on the way home because I was scare their lyrics ha change. I ran to my room, unravele in the closet, plugge my ears & whispere I’m not real over & over again listening to my boy hack at itself & I wonere how many calories I’ burn by crying & I wonere why I wasn’t saying it is not real & then I realize I was the monster in my

own closet. I was hane this legacy of justice from every woman in history’s bruise ribs, from the pouning of every gavel’s eman, from the set of my mother’s jaw. this man, he ha a bat that smacke out shame, but the bloo I left on the carpet carrie the rage of bloolines; I

scream back.


文章提示的最后一句是“of your own esign”,虽然提示直接允许学生提交和/或写自己选择的文章,但提示间接允许学生利用给定的空间进行创作。创造性写作和其他艺术作品一样,是由作者和读者共同决定的。有时这两个定义是一致的,而在另一些时候它们是相互竞争的,这是个人陈述的挑战之一;学生应该用创造性的形式写文章,比如诗歌、歌曲或上面的文章。每个学生都决定了他们个人陈述的创作风格和方向。你的文章传统上是用段落和散文写的吗?或者你写了一篇走在创作道路上的文章,冒着读者对这段旅程不熟悉的风险?让我明确一点:这个问题没有正确或错误的答案。也就是说,在我为这篇文章写反馈的时候,创作方向对这个学生很有效。我们很少读这种文体的文章,虽然有风险,但却相当令人耳目一新,发人深省。如果你的文章风格是真实的,那就值得冒险。





Essay题目:Describe a topic, iea, or concept you fin so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why oes it captivate you? What or who o you turn to when you want to learn more?

I have to amit, when I first rea the song title “Moanin'”, I thought it ha certain innuenos.

“Are you serious right now?” I stare across the table at Parker, a six foot five eleventh graer with long re hair that cascaes own his shoulers, a spoon in one han an phone in the other, iligently playing Worl of Warcraft. He remins me of a princess, in the weirest way, he’s so…ainty. I always laugh thinking about the juxtaposition between his looks an his personality.

He rolls his eyes, elicately rests his spoon on the bowl of mac an cheese, places both of his hans on the table, an looks at me pointely in exasperation.

“Yes. You have to listen to it. ‘Moanin” is the greatest jazz song to ever exist.” A piece of cheese flies off his lip an hits my face. I flinch internally.

“As if. Not that kin of song. I’m honestly isguste, Parker.” He gasps in feigne shock, like we haven’t ha this conversation 200 times before this moment an I try not to laugh.

“First of all, it’s not even about that. Secon, you’re listening to it.” As he goes back to playing his game, I am left to poner: How great coul this song possibly be?

I know now that “Moanin'” by Art Blakey an the Jazz Messengers might just be the greatest jazz recor to ever exist. When those rums hit after the first chorus, they hit ifferent.

I’ve always known that I love jazz. However, it never occurre to me how ifficult it was to explain until I was attacke with the question: “What’s so great about jazz?” Suenly, I was speechless. Why am I so rawn to jazz? After all, I am originally a classically traine musician. But once jazz entere my life (in the form of the golike, ethereal Kenny G), I’ve never been the same.

In an attempt to answer this question that plague me, I began listing out all the traits about jazz that I love: its vibrance, unpreictability, ever-changing nature, spontaneity, an yet its ability to be soul wrenchingly emotional. Suenly, the answer hit me like Art Blakey’s rum set on the opening chorus of “Moanin'”: I love jazz because jazz is me.

When I think of jazz, I think of colors. So many colors, like a thousan rainbows were poure into a blener, showere onto a page, an translate into music. I see that color in my personality. I’m vibrant an colorful, an sometimes expressive to the point where there are so many things happening at once it’s har to take in. That’s how jazz is. I often fin myself listening to the same jazz recors over an over, iscovering something new every time. I’m passionate an bol, I’m sassy like Lee Morgan’s trumpet solo on “‘Moanin'”. Jazz oesn’t apologize for what it is, it just is. Likewise, I’ve learne to be unapologetic in who I am.

Jazz is unpreictable an spontaneous. When flashes of inspiration come to me, I ance in my room until 2 AM on a school night, the arenaline of oing something so extemporaneous is enough to keep me awake. Furthermore, as a jazz musician, I have evelope a remarkable ability to aapt to rapily changing circumstances.

But my favorite thing about jazz, an my favorite thing about myself, is that it is ever changing. I’ve always sai that in jazz, you never play the same song twice. Who I am toay is a prouct of years of changing, learning, growing an evolution. Like jazz, I on’t strive to be perfect, I just strive to be my most authentic self.

So why am I so rawn to jazz? I guess because I see it in myself, I hear myself in the way it’s playe. That’s the beauty of fining music that fits you so well, it becomes you.





Essay题目:Some stuents have a backgroun, ientity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application woul be incomplete without it. If this souns like you, then please share your story.

Over the past half-century, the crosswins of social an economic change sweeping through Nebraska’s small towns have left me an my family, alongsie many others across our state, straling a teious tightrope between the ol an the new, the familiar an the foreign.

All my life, I’ve been shape by the collision between the rural, small-town currents of my upbringing an the city-slicker worl of tall builings an traffic jams I’ve largely grown up in. By this, I on’t mean cornfiels an mainstreets melting away uner the pressures of urban expansion. I mean the collision between two vastly ifferent worlviews—one eeply suspicious an istrustful of outsiers, manifeste aroun me through my granfather’s iatribes bemoaning the parasitism of immigrants or his eftness in ealing out wors I’ve been taught to consier unspeakable, an the other warm an welcoming, centere aroun a househol that counts inclusiveness as a primary virtue an has embrace the evolving nature of Nebraska’s ientity.

To unerstan the tumult of emotions interwoven within this collision, it is critical to unerstan that, over the past several ecaes, rural blight has escene upon communities across Nebraska. As families like mine have emigrate to larger towns an cities in search of greater opportunity, rural populations have winle, an hospitals an businesses have shuttere. In aition—an particularly relevant to my experience of Nebraska’s rural crisis—a wave of major emographic shifts have left many communities across my state broken an hurting. From Schuyler to O’Neill, from Lexington to Fremont, increasingly large international immigrant populations have been caught in the chokehol of a vehement an metastasizing nativism. This fervent anti-immigrant sentiment, rather than promoting some istorte iea of cultural integrity, has left entire communities—ol bloo an newcomer alike—uner the weight of suffocating suspicion an hatre as unprepare school istricts buckle an ambush-like ICE rais tear families apart. The situation in much of rural Nebraska, to put it bluntly, is ire.

An so, this summer, etermine to glean a more complete unerstaning of this issue an its effects on my family, I travele to live an work on the family farm, which is manage primarily by my granparents. The experience was instructive—in a time of trae wars an tariffs, I was remine of the tremenous economic pressure uner which farmers operate. But, far more eye-openingly, it gave me a new appreciation for the social an cultural strain bearing on rural Nebraska. For context, it is helpful to unerstan that the nearest town has unergone a transition from nearly homogeneously white to over 70 percent Hispanic in just the past three ecaes. Many evenings, as my granparents an I sat own to supper, a soft vitriol woul pervae the conversation as my granparents exchange worrie comments about the new an burgeoning Suanese population in town or the Mexicans working at the Cargill plant.

Welcome to racism in my worl.

It’s soft, it’s private, an it’s the most bareface form of racism I’ve ever encountere. It hurts me to know that two of the people I love an amire most in the worl have been brought to hate their neighbors an blame them for the much broaer issues facing rural America. It hurts me to know that many groups of people simply seeking security—people who, in fact, will likely prove vital to the survival of small-town Nebraska—are facing a chilling welcome in a state I am otherwise so eeply prou of.

Though prejuice might be stubborn, I am too. My writing on the subject has receive national recognition, I care for refugee families through my school, I’ve correspone with my electe representatives, an I’ve engage in thoughtful, compassionate ialogue with my granparents. It’s harer to hate people if you unerstan them, after all. I believe that eucation an reconciliation are vital to the recovery of my state an our broken communities, an I’m oing my best to facilitate, wherever I can, the beginning of this healing.



作者成熟而深思熟虑的语法无疑让这篇文书增色不少。“The crosswins of social an economic change”和“the chokehol of a vehement an metastasizing nativism”。这些是真正有天赋的作家的短语,他们努力工作使每一个词都能产生影响。这篇文书中我最喜欢的词是最后一句:healing。经过多次阅读,这篇文章本可以有一个不同的,可能更明确,转向。相反,我相信作者为这种遥远的语调提供了一种解释,他们也在治愈。


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