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2018-06-07 02:56:55



留学费用计算器 算一算就知道






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        圣彼得堡国立精密机械和光学学院建于1900年,是俄罗斯著名的工科学校之一。在计算机科学技术方面居世界前列,特别是软件设计上近些年始终保持世界前三名的地位,其毕业生的技术水平使包括微软在内的软件巨头刮目相看。学校拥有一只俄罗斯优秀青年程序员团队,系首位俄罗斯编程比赛冠军(1996 年)。并于2004年、2008年、2009年、2012年和2013年成为世界编程获得冠军。



        入系: 1.5-2万人民币/年



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cookie("gr_user_id")//sensors.quick('getAnonymousID') } let params = { data: encrypt(JSON.stringify(leadsInfo)) } $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.ping_gu_url + '/api/v3/leads/data', type: "post", dataType: "json", //jsonpCallback: 'callback', contentType: "application/json", headers: { InformationCode: finger_visitorId, }, data: JSON.stringify(params), success: function (msg) { console.log(msg); if (msg.code === 200) { var curDomain = document.domain.split('.').slice(-2).join('.') var SUBMIT_V = dialogType if (cookie('1V1_SUBMIT') && cookie('1V1_SUBMIT') != dialogType) { SUBMIT_V = cookie('1V1_SUBMIT') + ',' + dialogType } cookie('1V1_SUBMIT', SUBMIT_V, { path: '/', domain: curDomain }); // setCookieee('lwMask', 'lw', '1') cookieGO('lwMask', 'lw', 24) // TODO: 点击【立即获得】按钮,区分首页和详情页 var channel_name = dialogType == 'yimin' ? 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} }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status); }, }); } // 校验验证码 function checkCodeDd() { var data = { phone: $("#ddPhoneIp").val(), code: $("#codeDdIp").val(), }; var md5Sign = { sign_method: "md5", kqNezsMODH: "1.0", BHXPixlxDB: "" }; var md5Data = {}; for (var attr in data) { md5Data[attr] = data[attr]; } for (var attr in md5Sign) { md5Data[attr] = md5Sign[attr]; } var signArr = []; for (var i in md5Data) { signArr.push(i + "=" + md5Data[i]); } var router_key = md5(signArr.sort().join("&")); var time_key = new Date().getTime(); $.ajax({ url: ajaxUrlPrefix.goApi + "/cms/api/checkPhoneCode", type: "get", headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", RterKey: router_key, TimeKey: time_key, Authorization: '5b6bac4a04700f0001f287ce55a8c8dc0cf54ba290e20e6c4efe9a74' }, data: { code: $("#codeDdIp").val(), phone: $("#ddPhoneIp").val(), }, dataType: "json", success: function (msg) { console.log(msg); if (msg.code === 0) { // TODO: 根据当前修改 submitSignAssessmentDd(); } else { layer.msg(msg.data); } }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log("获取失败,请重试!CODE:" + XMLHttpRequest.status); }, }); } function initFingerprintJS() { var options = { fonts: { extendedJsFonts: true }, excludes: { userAgent: true } } if (window.requestIdleCallback) { requestIdleCallback(function () { Fingerprint2.getV18(options, function (result, components) { finger_visitorId = result }) }) } else { setTimeout(function () { Fingerprint2.getV18(options, function (result, components) { finger_visitorId = result }) }, 500) } } function judgeGetAbleDd() { var phoneFlag = false; var sectionFlag = true; var phoneVal = $("#ddPhoneIp").val(); if (phoneVal.length === 11) { if (/^1[3456789]\d{9}$/.test(phoneVal)) { $("#phoneErrorDd").html(""); phoneFlag = true; $("#ddGetCodeBtn").removeClass("form-unable"); } else { if (dialogType != 'liuxue') { $("#phoneErrorDd").html("手机号格式不正确"); } $("#ddGetCodeBtn").addClass("form-unable"); } } else { $("#ddGetCodeBtn").addClass("form-unable"); 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